Are you a conspiracy nut?

ARE YOU A CONSPIRACY NUT? You are if you believe these conspiracies are real, you might be…

You believe at least 5 or less are real – Somewhat Eccentric, or just ignorant.
You believe at least 10 are real – Enthusiastically gullible.
You believe at least 15 are real – Mainstream crackpot.
You believe at least 20 are real – Over the top crackpot.
You believe at least 25 are real – Consider meds, you’re out there.
You believe in 30 or more – Totally off your rocker, get help NOW.

1. The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks were a false flag/allowed to happen/intentional…
2. The assassination of John F. Kennedy was due to a larger conspiracy/there were more shooters than Oswald, etc….
3. An alien spacecraft crashed at Roswell in 1947 and advanced technology was captured from it…
4. Nasa faked the moon landings/routinely fakes other space exploration and discoveries…
5. The Illuminati/New World Order/other secret cabal of bankers/politicians/elites actually control the world and have for centuries…
6. NASA/the government/the military have advanced bases on the moon/Mars, etc,. and control much more sophisticated technology than is generally believed…
7. Diana, Princess of Wales, was murdered in a conspiracy…
8. Elvis Presley faked his own death to escape the public eye…
9. The Titanic was sunk on purpose for insurance money…
10. Vaccinations against disease are actually poisonous/unnecessary/dangerous/designed to enrich drug companies/for mind control…
11. The North American Union – There is a plan to unite the US and Canada in a federation to control the western hemisphere…
12. Reconquista – Mexicans, possibly in collusion with Native Americans, intend to reconquer/take over parts of the US through legal and illegal immigration and population explosion…
13. Sandy Hook/Columbine/Boston Bombing/The Oklahoma City bombing was a false flag/fake/done on purpose to promote gun control…
14. Reptile aliens – alien reptilians or other beings control the world through proxies or by leaders who have been replaced by imitators/duplicates/clones…
15. Germs and viruses are symptoms of disease, not the cause, or, modern medicine does not cure disease, it is all a scam…
16. The US government is planning martial law/military takeover/mass weapons confiscation…
17. Black or unmarked helicopters or drones watch and spy on the population …
18. Barack Obama is not a citizen of the US/is a foreign agent/undercover Muslim terrorist, etc…
19. The Holocaust is a hoax and no large numbers of Jews or any others were intentionally killed by the Nazi regime in WW II…
20. The idea of peak oil/diminishing resources is designed to enrich certain parties/enhance government control, oil will last forever…
21. Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen to start a war for the ultimate benefit of the US/NWO/Illuminati…
22. The Philadelphia Experiment – the US Navy destroyer Eldridge was rendered invisible by advanced technology in 1943 causing death and injury to the crew that was covered up by the government…
23. GMOs/pesticides/food additives are designed to poison the population/enable mind control of the population/exterminate the population…
24. Fluoridation – Fluoride is added to water for sinister reasons like mind control…
25. Hillary and Bill Clinton have had dozens of people murdered over the years to protect themselves from criminal investigations…
26. FEMA or other government agencies are preparing concentration camps/mass graves for those who resist the ultimate government takeover…
27. HAARP – The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program is/was used to control the weather/cause disasters/control people’s minds…
28. The AIDS virus was created in a laboratory to exterminate certain groups of people, or, conversely, AIDS/HIV is not a real disease…
29. Global warming is a hoax to enrich certain people/enhance government control…
30. Chemtrails – The government or other organizations are conducting a widespread program of chemical spraying from aircraft for sinister purposes….
31. Jews are part of a secret cabal that controls government/media/the world and has for centuries…
32. Hitler survived World War II and hid in Argentina/at the south pole/on the dark side of the moon…
33. The Earth is actually a flat disk that does not orbit the sun, and this fact has been hidden from general knowledge for centuries…
34. Evolution/cosmology/ Newtonian physics/Einsteinian relativity are all hoaxes and lies, designed to hide the real Biblical nature of the world…
35. Human history as generally understood is all a lie/hoax, and actually occurred over a much longer/shorter time than is generally believed…
36. Nikola Tesla was a genius who discovered free energy/zero point energy/transmitted energy/other amazing technology decades ago, and this technology has been suppressed…
37. Aliens visited the Earth in the past and influenced human history, particularly the development of technology…
38. Aliens visit the Earth routinely today and kidnap/capture humans for research/experiments/mind control…
39. The Earth is hollow and other cultures/aliens/escaped Nazis live on the surface inside, or, similarly, the Earth is actually a hollow sphere we all live inside, and outer space/the universe is an illusion/hoax/hologram…
40. WiFi/Cellphones/Radio waves are harmful and are part of a conspiracy to exterminate the population/control our minds/spy on us telepathically…

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